From Hand-Made to Machine-Made
We created handmade prototype laces to test the effectiveness of the dots (nobbs) and viability of the product. After seeing the amazing results the nobbs provided, we contracted an engineering firm to build a machine that allows us to make shoelaces with dots that are machine-made, improving upon the look and functionality of the hand-made model.
The Nobbits USA, LLC team came together to complete a promise made between Chief Founder Ron Brent and Tom Coblentz, Co-Creator of the Concept of Nobbits shoelaces. The two developed the idea together years ago just as a humorous idea to outsmart Tom’s grandson. They hand-made some prototypes to test the idea, and they instantly had traction in the market, but hand-making the laces took too long to be efficient. One day, Tom called Ron and said “I'm 77, and my wife is sick. Sorry Ron, she will be my priority from now on. So, I'm driving up to your office in Madison tomorrow and dropping everything off.” What Tom said to me when he left still rings in my head today “Ron this is an amazing product; the world needs to see it.” I promised Tom that I would put Nobbits back on the market. Tom passed away about two years ago, but today, we fulfill that promise Ron made.
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